Hat trick of nutmegs! Norwegian forward Caroline Graham Hansen show great close control while dribbling down the flank, managing a hat trick of nut megs along the way! 𝗖𝗚𝗛 doing 𝗖𝗚𝗛 things 😏#WEURO2022 | @CarolineGrahamH pic.twitter.com/j4PZNRlmOG— UEFA Women's EURO 2022 (@WEURO2022) July 7, 2022 Categories: Dribbling Winger Tags: Caroline Graham Hansen Euro 2022 Norway Nutmeg
How to beat the offside trap This video provides a introduction to the rules of offside, before moving on to how as an attacking player you can stay onside, exploiting space to get in dangerous attacking positions. Categories: Offside Striker Winger